⒈ 舊時婦女行禮,即萬福。
英a form of greeting by women;
⒉ 英:再見。
⒈ 臺灣風俗,每逢節日、佛誕、新谷登場、婚壽葬祭,都要供奉神明和宴請親朋,有時甚至演戲酬神。這種活動稱為“拜拜”
英custom of enshrining and worshipping in Taiwan;
⒈ 臺灣 風俗,每逢佳節或祭神日,大宴賓客,俗謂之拜拜。
⒉ 英語bye-bye的譯音。謂再會。
⒈ 一種供神的儀式。
⒉ 再見。為英語 bye-bye的音譯。
英語(loanword)? bye-bye, also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc, (coll.)? to part ways (with sb)?, (fig.)? to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth)?, to pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together, (Taiwan)? religious ceremony in which offerings are made to a deity
德語Tschüs, Bye bye , Tschü?, Bye bye
法語bye-bye, festival d'adoration, adorer (les dieux)? (Tw)?